Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25 Play: LITTLE RED REDUX

25: LITTLE RED REDUX - by Ed Valentine
© January 25, 2010 *

LIGHTS UP: Cottage. Woods above, and above a full gold moon. GRANDMOTHER stirring the coals of a fire, LITTLE RED by the door with a basket.

GRANNY: You have everything, Child?

RED: Yes.

GRANNY: The cupcakes? The cookies? The meat pies? The pasties? The scones and the pies and the ale and the loaf?

RED: Yes, but.

GRANNY: No time for buts, Child. Be on your way.

RED: But Granny!


RED: It’s dark out.

GRANNY: Not entirely.

RED: It’s night!

GRANNY: There’s a moon. A full moon!

RED: That’s why I’m afraid!
I’ve heard that on nights of the full moon, the wolves come out. And if the wolves come out, I’ll be endangered! I’ll be meat, don’t you see?

GRANNY: My Child, My Child! Don’t you see? Those are old superstitions. Old wives tales. And don’t I know some old wives. Do you see?

RED: I guess.

GRANNY: You’re never safer than when the moon lolls over the earth, licking it clean like a wolf’s tongue on its privates.

RED: Uh, Granny...

GRANNY: The earth’s never as clean as when it’s licked clean by the moon’s tongue. How could anything terrible happen on a night like this?

RED: Still.

GRANNY: Now hurry, dear! Your poor other grandmother, poor spindly stick, lies waiting, sick in her bed. Hungry!

RED: We’re all hungry.

GRANNY: Isn’t that the truth! Don’t think about dipping into that basket!

RED: I wasn’t.

(She was.)

GRANNY: Off with you, then, luv! Off with you, off into the forest!
(Pushes RED out the door. Calls off:)
And don’t leave the path, my Sweet.
Goodbye! Goodbye!
My Sweet, My Sweet.

(GRANDMOTHER takes off her face, rips off her dress. She is, of course, a WOLF. SPEAKS TO US:)

WOLF: My Sweet.
Really, dears, what did you expect?
(He licks himself.)
I’ll give her a sporting start.
(HOWLS. Paws the ground.)
Save some meat for me, baby.
I’m coming.

(He gallops off. Lights burn, then fade.)


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