Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 15 Play: SUPER BOWL

46: SUPER BOWL - by Ed Valentine
© February 15, 2010 *

IN THE DARKNESS: A glowing television. Sixteen men around it, watching. Nothing is on the TV: just a blank screen. WIFE comes home. Turns on hallway light.

MEN: Aah!

WOMAN: Jimmy?

JIMMY: Turn it off, turn it off!

(She does. Then steps into the light of the TV.)

WIFE: Jim, what’s going on?

JIMMY: We’re watching the game.

WIFE: There’s nothing on.

JIMMY: That’s ridiculous.

WIFE: There’s nothing on.

JIMMY: Don’t you see it?

WIFE: There’s nothing on.

JIMMY: That’s what you think.

(Pause. All the men react as if to something they saw on a sports game on the TV.)


(They hi-five.)

JIMMY: Are there wings in the fridge?

I guess so.
You want me to get them?

JIMMY: That’d be great, honey.
Just great.

(The men drink beers. Wife turns out the hallway light. Exits past the TV. The men drink beers in unison.)

MEN: Beers.

(Lights snap out.)


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