Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Impending Holidays!

Well, hello! Thought you'd like to see some holiday cheer here. I haven't posted for a bit - yeah, you know what's on MY New Year's resolution list! - so I thought it was high time to get something posted.

This is the "Small World" ride at Disneyland all dressed up for Christmas. Fun! Disney also runs a 'snowfall' during their Christmastime evening fireworks. (The kids who stuck out their tongues to catch the snowflakes seemed somewhat surprised and displeased - so I have a feeling those snowflakes are actually SOAPflakes.)

Still, when the Disney lights are dimmed, and "White Christmas" plays, and when 'snow' of whatever variety starts to fall in Southern California... well, let me say it's surprisingly emotional and effective. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, folks!

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