Sunday, September 20, 2009

Basic health coverage for all, and protection for the already sick

Yes, I know I was going to focus on writing, and on living the writing life, and art, and puppetry and theater and all, but...

Well, I've been thinking a lot about healthcare lately. (Wonder why?) So I'm posting this link to an article from Wonkette, which is a great takedown of the ever-snotty Peggy Noonan... and of the mindless (or is it heartless?) offensive being waged against making much needed changes in our health care system.

Money quote: "How about this: Basic health coverage for all, and protection for the already sick. There is plenty to criticize in Obama’s meandering inability to emphasize these simple goals, but if those two simple objectives mean nothing to you, or bore you — you, the political columnist whose job is to understand these concepts — then you are a sociopath. You are apathetic to the unnecessary and costly deaths of your fellow citizens under the current system, which even the most basic reform plans under consideration would do much to alleviate."

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